3 Handy Snow Management Tips for a Smooth Start to 2018

If you have plenty of experience living in an area that receives annual predictions of intense snow, you most likely know how to deal with winter damages and heavy snowfall. Less experienced residents in Croton, NY, may need guidance, however, regarding how to keep snow from consuming the landscape.

If there is one absolutely vital chore that is also horridly time-consuming and exhausting, it’s snow removal. Without proper snow management, you could slip as you leave the house or completely miss your driveway and are at greater risk of causing an accident. Not to mention the impact heavy snow has on curb appeal! Here are a few tips that will make clearing snow a whole lot easier and, fortunately, don’t involve hours of shoveling. These tips are a must-read for experienced and novice homeowners alike!

Hire an experienced professional

Snow removal is strenuous work, and even though the sky may seem to be falling, life continues. You simply don’t have the time - or energy - to wrestle with a snowblower or an old shovel before you leave the house. That’s why employing experienced contractors is the best way to clear your driveway so you can stick to your busy schedule.

3 Handy Snow Management Tips for a Smooth Start to 2018 in Croton NY

One advantage of hiring professionals lies in the sheer variety of techniques and tools that they can use to keep your landscape in a pristine condition. For example, Manzer’s Landscape Design and Development, Inc. offers plowing, salting, sanding, and sidewalk services, among others.

Don’t cut corners by settling for inexperienced or unreliable snow management. Sloppy snow removal can lead to damaged water pipes and a devastated driveway. Fortunately, our snow removal services value the protection and preservation of the property, providing insurance in the rare case of damage to the landscape.


Opt for the convenience of a contract

When dealing with various daily obligations, it can be difficult to predict when one might require snow removal services. Once you’ve realized that you won’t be able to leave the driveway, it is often too late to clear your landscape in time and, just like that, you’re late for work! Entering into a contract with your chosen contractor will ensure that they are always aware of the state of your landscape and ready to battle any heavy snowfall.

Our clients can rest assured that they will never wake up to an obstructed driveway, as we ensure that we clear their landscapes before they’re even out of bed.

Place tall stakes around your driveway

While the location of your driveway may seem obvious to you, it can be a mystery to your snow removal services, especially after heavy snowfall. Make it easy to locate your driveway, walkways, and the perimeter of your yard by having stakes placed around these areas in advance. These will act as helpful reminders, guiding your snow removal services to where they need to shovel and plow. This way, even under the thickest snowfall, the hardscapes that require attention will always be discernible from the rest of the yard. A company that is familiar with your yard is beneficial in this way as well.