Property Maintenance

Leave Your Property Maintenance to the Professionals in Yorktown Heights and Croton-on-Hudson, NY

Leave Your Property Maintenance to the Professionals in Yorktown Heights and Croton-on-Hudson, NY

The best landscape contractors in your area have a wide variety of skills available for contracting all sorts of property maintenance. Since many of those tasks are time-consuming and laborious, it’s always best to leave your property maintenance to the professionals in Yorktown Heights and Croton-on-Hudson, NY.

Here's How Landscaping Changes Can Improve Drainage in Somers and Cortlandt Manor, NY

Here's How Landscaping Changes Can Improve Drainage in Somers and Cortlandt Manor, NY

The symptoms of improper drainage can go unnoticed for days, weeks, or even months and the resulting cleanup and fixing of a landscape can reach into the many thousands of dollars. Before you get blindsided by a drainage problem, here’s how landscaping changes can improve drainage in Somers and Cortlandt Manor, NY.

4 Signs You Need to Hire a Drainage Professional in Peekskill and Yorktown, NY

4 Signs You Need to Hire a Drainage Professional in Peekskill and Yorktown, NY

Improper drainage can damage or destroy all of the above and the signs of danger might not be apparent until it’s too late. Preparing yourself with the knowledge is the first step, but make sure that you call a drainage professional if you notice these problems. Here are four signs you need to hire a drainage professional in Peekskill and Yorktown, NY.

How Lawn Care and Property Maintenance Affect the Use You Get From Your Westchester County NY Landscape

How Lawn Care and Property Maintenance Affect the Use You Get From Your Westchester County NY Landscape

Keeping your beautiful landscape in tip-top shape as your personal oasis means ongoing maintenance. You’ll get the best results by contracting with a landscaping professional who can offer year-round maintenance. From there, all your worries can melt away since a seasoned professional will be in charge and you won’t have to do any backbreaking work.

What Does Proper Property Maintenance Entail in Late Summer in Yorktown NY?

What Does Proper Property Maintenance Entail in Late Summer in Yorktown NY?

In addition to continued maintenance of your clients’ lawns, here are a few ways you can go the extra mile with a few additional services to build even more trust with your clients, both old and new. What does proper property maintenance entail in late summer in Yorktown, NY?

You Don't Have To Neglect Your Property Maintenance During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Somers, NY

You Don't Have To Neglect Your Property Maintenance During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Somers, NY

Property maintenance may be the last thing on your mind right now as you’re struggling to stay afloat or to keep your customers happy during these challenging times. However, neglecting it can cause a lot of problems and added costs down the road. You don’t have to neglect your property maintenance during the COVID-19 pandemic in Somers, NY. Here’s what you can do!

Property Maintenance Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Lawn Throughout the Year in Westchester County, NY

Property Maintenance Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Lawn Throughout the Year in Westchester County, NY

When you look out the window on a cold winter day, you’re probably dreaming about enjoying digging your toes into a lush lawn in the summer. And, you’re probably thinking about all the work it takes to make a lawn toe-worthy all summer long. Here are some property maintenance tips for maintaining a healthy lawn throughout the year in Westchester County, NY.

A Checklist for Winter Property Maintenance in Briarcliff Manor, NY

A Checklist for Winter Property Maintenance in Briarcliff Manor, NY

While it can seem like property maintenance never ends - even in winter - having a checklist will help streamline the work that needs to be done. It actually minimize the repairs to the landscape that result from having no plan. To make your life easier, here’s a comprehensive checklist for winter property maintenance in Briarcliff Manor, NY.

Benefits of Following a Lawn Maintenance Schedule in Yorktown, NY

Benefits of Following a Lawn Maintenance Schedule in Yorktown, NY

When a lawn has lush, green grass and neatly trimmed shrubs and a profusion of blooming flowers, that does not happen by chance. A well-maintained landscape requires keeping to a schedule, and that involves some up-front time and effort. If you want your Yorktown, NY, lawn to look swoon-worthy, consider the benefits of getting on a maintenance schedule.

Why Regular Landscape Maintenance Is Important for Commercial Properties in Somers, NY

Why Regular Landscape Maintenance Is Important for Commercial Properties in Somers, NY

When you take pride in your company and the high level of expertise you provide to your clients, it is reflected in your logo, the morale of your employees, and the office furnishings. But don’t forget about the exterior of your Somers, NY, commercial building. After all, that is the first impression current and potential clients will see when they arrive at your location. Here are some compelling reasons why regular property maintenance is critical.

Increase Your Peekskill, NY, Property's Safety with Snow Plowing Services

Increase Your Peekskill, NY, Property's Safety with Snow Plowing Services

Snow plowing is a tedious chore that few people have time to do themselves—and it’s also a potentially dangerous activity if it’s not performed correctly. Make sure your Peekskill, NY, property is safe during snowy weather and remove the risk of injury by getting assistance from snow removal professionals.

How Snow Plowing Improves the Safety of Your Briarcliff Manor, NY, Property

How Snow Plowing Improves the Safety of Your Briarcliff Manor, NY, Property

Snow falling from the sky is pretty at first—until it starts to accumulate. And then those snowflakes can add up to big problems if they are not handled properly, from creating an obstacle when people are driving and walking to creating icy, slippery surfaces and physical harm. All too often, someone who doesn’t exercise regularly goes out to shovel their snow and gets hurt. Snow plowing is not just more efficient and effective than shoveling. Done well and thoroughly, snow plowing will improve the safety of your home or commercial property. Be confident this winter by leaving your Briarcliff Manor, NY, snow removal routine to the professionals at Manzer’s Landscape Design and Development Inc. for the following reasons.

First Impression Counts! Sign Up for a Commercial Property Maintenance Service to Boost Your Business in Yorktown Heights, NY

First Impression Counts! Sign Up for a Commercial Property Maintenance Service to Boost Your Business in Yorktown Heights, NY

Nothing quite beats the power of a first impression, and the outdoor appearance of your Yorktown Heights, NY, business is no exception to this rule. In order to create a strong first impression and hold a positive reputation among the community, it’s essential to prioritize the care of your business landscape and all of its needs.

How Professional Property Maintenance Can Help You Sell Your Peekskill, NY, Home Faster

How Professional Property Maintenance Can Help You Sell Your Peekskill, NY, Home Faster

When it’s time to sell your Peekskill, NY, property, you’ll have one matter on your mind—how can you get the best price and a quick sale. Manzer’s Landscape Design and Development, Inc. can help make sure your home doesn’t stay on the market long, while increasing the potential sale price, with professional property maintenance.

How Property Maintenance Can Make Your Small Yard Useful and Attractive in Yorktown, NY

How Property Maintenance Can Make Your Small Yard Useful and Attractive in Yorktown, NY

Seasonal property maintenance involves spring and fall clean-up as well as inspection and repair of outdoor systems. This can include opening and closing of irrigation systems, masonry inspection and repair, and preparing your property for snow removal. A professional maintenance company will ensure you can start using your yard as early in the season as possible. And when you don’t have to spend your time outdoors working, you get to spend it all enjoying the great weather.

5 Summer Landscaping Ideas for Improving Your Front Entrance in Yorktown Heights, NY

5 Summer Landscaping Ideas for Improving Your Front Entrance in Yorktown Heights, NY

When we think of landscaping, we usually picture a beautiful backyard. But your front yard provides the first impression of your home and deserves equal attention. A good entryway can transform your front yard and increase curb appeal. Give your Yorktown Heights, NY front entrance a summer makeover with these great landscaping ideas.

What the Most Common Weeds Say About the Condition of Your Somers, NY, Landscape

What the Most Common Weeds Say About the Condition of Your Somers, NY, Landscape

Similarly to how other plants have a niche, weeds require specific conditions in order to thrive. Before you call in professional help or roll your sleeves up to clear them, consider what these weeds reveal about the condition of your softscape. Certain factors that allow weeds to flourish can easily be altered to prevent future infestations and improve the overall health of your lawn.

Revitalize Your Landscape After Winter with the Help of a Lawn Care Expert in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Revitalize Your Landscape After Winter with the Help of a Lawn Care Expert in Briarcliff Manor, NY

Your lawn is subjected to snow, ice and devastating winds during the Briarcliff, NY, winter. Therefore, it requires a bit of special treatment before it can be rejuvenated in spring. While freeze-thaw cycles can lead to brittle roots that ultimately die, a build-up of ice is often fatal to the cells within plants. Once the snow melts and temperatures rise, a Manzer’s Landscape Design and Development Inc. professional will be able to survey your softscape and determine what measures are required to bring your lawn back to life.