Choosing the Right Team for Your U-Shaped Driveway Landscaping

Working with the right professionals can help you with the ins and outs of creating the perfect u shaped driveway landscaping for your property

Because of their unique shape, u shaped driveway landscaping can often prove difficult with homeowners struggling to select the right plants, shrubs, trees, or hardscape that will work with their driveway while highlighting their home. The experts at Manzer’s Landscape Design and Development can help you fine-tune the landscaping around your u shaped driveway so that it not only accentuates your home but adds value to your property.

At Manzer's, we provide an expert level of knowledge and true craftsmanship to every landscaping project we design, install, or maintain. 

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U Shaped Driveway Landscaping: How to Choose What’s Right

One of the most important aspects of your u shaped driveway landscaping is determining how best to integrate your driveway space with the rest of your property. It can help to utilize the same plants, borders, and color scheme that are used throughout your property around your driveway to lend continuity to your design. A professional team can help you decide the best way to create rhythm and unity that incorporates your driveway into the big picture of your landscaping. 

Working with landscape design professionals can remove a lot of the guesswork. For example, if privacy is a concern or you live on a busy, noisy street, using the center of your u shaped driveway as a natural screen may help. Tall, dense shrubs and trees, like arborvitae, can shield your property from traffic noise and make your home feel more like a secluded oasis.

On the other hand, if your house has an interesting façade, the last thing you will want to do is to draw attention away from it. Short plants and shrubs are preferred in this instance, and you’ll want to avoid the temptation to simply line your u shaped driveway with plants as this can draw attention to the driveway instead of your home. Your landscaping team will consult with you on achieving your goals.

Building a centerpiece

The center of u shaped driveways lends itself well to creative landscape design choices that can add interest and utility to your property. While there are countless ways to go about your u shaped driveway landscaping, some popular choices include:

Creating a rain garden

Paved driveways can sometimes cause difficulties with rainwater runoff. The center of your u shaped driveway is an excellent place to create a rain garden that can capture and redirect excess runoff back into the soil where it can be absorbed. 

Rain gardens consist of shallow basins of plants that can tolerate occasional flooding, such as blue fescue grass or daylilies for shady locations and bee balm for sunny properties. Rain garden basins look particularly stunning when circled with taller plants, shrubs, and ornamental grasses.

Planting vegetable beds

If your u shaped driveway landscaping should thrive in the sun, the center can be put to functional use by installing vegetable beds. Using your driveway to frame raised beds full of tomatoes, peppers and other essentials is sure to make you popular with your neighbors.

Adding interest with specimen plants

Specimen plants are plants that are valued for their interesting, sculptural shapes. Trees like weeping larch, smoke bush and Japanese maple planted at the center of your driveway can serve as intriguing conversation pieces for your property.

Call Manzer’s Landscape Design and Development for Your U Shaped Driveway Landscaping Needs

The professionals at Manzer’s Landscape Design and Development can work with you to determine what your goals are for your driveway landscaping and select the right plants that will work well for your property and your overall landscape design.

Experienced in all aspects of landscaping, from design to installation, landscaping with Manzer’s will add value and interest to your property. Call today and schedule your consultation!

Call (914)739-2020 or get in touch online.