The Best Tree Spraying Service in Westchester County NY

Looking for a trustworthy tree spraying service in Westchester County NY? Our talented team has you covered.  

If you’re worried about tree health on your property, you need a knowledgeable team that can help you diagnose, treat pest infestation, and deal with diseases common to our area. Your property is a living investment – count on the best tree spraying service in Westchester County NY to help you keep it healthy. 

At Manzer’s Landscape Design, our team is committed to helping you maintain the health and beauty of the trees on your property. It’s our commitment to protecting the natural elements of your property that makes us the best tree spraying service in Westchester County NY.

Get in touch to discuss tree care for your property! 

Call (914) 739-2020 us online.

When you might need a tree spraying service 

Many of us take tree growth for granted and there are many things a typical homeowner doesn’t know about tree care, including how or when to properly trim and treat. Trees in Westchester County face challenges unique to more populated areas, but many threats to tree health are easily treatable with proper knowledge and equipment. 

Tree spraying to treat infestations

Infestations by insects like the Emerald Ash Borer, Gypsy Moth, Spider Mites, or the Spotted Lanternfly can be incredibly harmful to your trees. It’s a common misconception that infestations harm only that season’s foliage. Actually, these pests can work their way into the wood and cause lasting damage to the inside of your tree. Since different pests have different life cycles, it’s important to get the timing and specific treatment used right. Tree spraying is not a one-size-fits-all service. 

Tree spraying to treat disease 

Fungal diseases can be deadly to trees in our area. In the same way that humans get ill and require medical attention, trees can catch diseases that require treatment. Dutch Elm disease, for example, impacts the vascular system of Dutch Elms and ultimately blocks the transportation of water, which, if left untreated, can kill the tree. This disease can spread underground via the root system or can be transported by bark beetles that carry fungal spores on their bodies to a new host. Dutch Elm disease is just one example of many to illustrate the importance of treating both disease and pests when there appears to be an issue. 

Signs and symptoms of a problem

We’ve all seen what a healthy tree looks like. If you notice a tree on your property is displaying any of the following symptoms of poor health, it’s a good idea to call a tree spraying service in Westchester County NY for a consultation. 

Bark abnormalities

Deep cracks or holes in a tree’s bark, or areas of smooth wood where bark has fallen off are indications there might be an issue. On a healthy tree, bark that falls off would grow back. 


Trees decay from the inside out. This means that if decay is visible to you, there is likely an infestation impacting the entire interior of your tree. 

Dead branches

It’s completely natural for leaves to fall as winter approaches. However, patches of wilting or curled leaves during the spring, summer, or fall are a sign of an issue.  

Trees are a living investment that require proper care. Our teams can help you prevent and control the spread of pests and disease through spraying or other means. 

Professional tree spraying service in Westchester County NY

Lean on the professional teams at Manzer’s for reliable tree spraying service in Westchester County NY. We offer a complete line of services that allow you to enjoy a beautiful landscape for your home, stress-free, including complete tree and shrub care.

From design and installation to treatment and cleanup, our award-winning crew at Manzer’s Landscape Design & Development is your trusted partner for landscape maintenance. 

Get in touch with Manzer’s today! Call (914) 739-2020 or contact us online.