the ultimate guide to lawn maintenance in Westchester county NY

The Ultimate Guide to Lawn Maintenance in Westchester County, NY

We’ve created the ultimate guide to lawn maintenance in Westchester County, NY 

We know you care about your property. We do too! Lawn maintenance is essential to keeping your property looking beautiful and well-maintained. At Manzer’s Landscape, we specialize in Lawn Care. This article is designed to provide the ultimate guide to lawn maintenance in Westchester County, NY,  to keep your property looking great.

Get in touch to discuss lawn maintenance for your property! Call (914) 739-2020 or contact us online.

The ultimate guide to lawn maintenance in Westchester County, NY

Choose the right grass

First and foremost, choosing suitable grass for your lawn is essential. Among our Westchester County clients, we’ve seen the best results with Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, and perennial ryegrass, which can tolerate harsh conditions. Still, each of these grasses has unique characteristics, so it’s essential to choose the one best suited for your lawn based on factors such as sun exposure, soil type, and water requirements. 

Follow a regular mowing schedule

Once you have suitable grass for your lawn, it’s crucial to find and follow a regular mowing schedule. We recommend you mow once a week during the growing season and a little less frequently during the fall and winter months. Be sure to mow your lawn to a height of 3-4 inches, as this will help promote healthy growth and discourage weeds. 


Fertilization is another important aspect of lawn maintenance. The best time to fertilize is in the spring when the grass is just starting to grow. Our team can recommend a fertilizer treatment program explicitly formulated for the type of grass in your lawn, as this will ensure it gets all of the nutrients it needs to grow lush and green. 

Water properly

In addition to regular mowing and fertilization, it’s important to water your lawn regularly to keep it hydrated and healthy. We’ve all seen lawns with dry or bald patches, and our mission is to help ensure that’s not you. The best time to water your lawn is early in the morning since this prevents evaporation and will ensure the water has time to soak into the soil before the sun gets too hot. An underground sprinkler system with rain sensors is a great way to make sure your lawn gets what it needs without thought. 

Control for weeds

Weed control also makes it our ultimate guide to lawn maintenance. There are several different methods that we turn to to keep weeds at bay. Herbicides in the fall are an effective way to control perennial broadleaf weeds. Not only is fall the most effective timing, but treating during cooler weather also means limited disruption to kid and pet playtime in the yard. 


The last mention in our ultimate guide to lawn maintenance for Westchester homeowners is aeration. Aeration uses a machine to punch small holes in the soil to break up compaction and improve air, water, and nutrient circulation. Manzer’s Landscape has noticed great results when our customers utilize this service.

Award-winning lawn maintenance in Westchester County, NY 

When it comes to lawn maintenance, lean on Manzer’s, your local landscaping partner. The ultimate guide to lawn maintenance in Westchester County, NY, comes from a team with years of success serving happy clients and happy lawns. Working with a landscape maintenance company for lawn care is the best way to know your property is adequately cared for. 

Get in touch with our team today! Call (914) 739-2020 or contact us online.

Image: danielwatsondesign