Proper Property Maintenance Can Protect the Longevity of a Landscape Design in Yorktown, NY

Proper Property Maintenance Can Protect the Longevity of a Landscape Design in Yorktown, NY

When you’ve invested in a landscape makeover, you want to protect your investment and keep your landscape healthy and vibrant with regular care. Here’s how proper property maintenance can protect the longevity of a landscape design in Yorktown, NY.


Beauty From the Inside Out

The appearance of your landscape is dependent on the health of your plants. This involves regular lawn care, weeding, tree and shrub trimming, and proper fertilization and watering. 

Lawn care is the most labor-intensive element of landscape care. Mowing at the proper height (with a sharp mower blade) will discourage weed growth, prevent disease, and keep the roots from drying out. Deep and infrequent watering will encourage deep, robust roots that can withstand the elements. Dethatching and aerating will ensure that water, air, and nutrients can reach the roots and prevent water from sitting on the surface where it will cause mold and invite pests, such as slugs. The right fertilizer at the right time will stimulate growth in spring, and support the grass during the heat of summer and cold of winter. Pre-emergent and post-emergent weed control will keep your lawn looking beautiful and weed-free. 

After lawn care, the element of the landscape that needs the most attention is planting beds. Planting seasonal flowers, mulching, deadheading/removal of spent flowers, fertilizing, and weeding are an ongoing process of keeping planting beds beautiful and thriving.

Trees and shrubs may seem low-maintenance and, generally, they are. Pruning and trimming are essential to keep trees and shrubs looking their best, but also to keep the landscape safe. Tree care should always be performed by qualified professionals due to its hazardous nature.

Hardscape Care

Your enjoyment of your landscape doesn’t stop with admiring its natural beauty. You want to use it, too, so hardscape care is just as important. Paver patios, walkways, and driveways must be cleaned regularly to prevent stains. Cracks must be repaired to prevent tripping hazards, jointing sand must be replaced periodically to prevent paver movement and weeds, and pavers need to be sealed periodically.

Seasonal Care

Appropriate seasonal practices are important for the overall health of your landscape. In spring, the focus is on growth, weed prevention, and encouraging plant health. In fall, leaf removal and fertilization help the landscape overwinter successfully. There are optimal times to prune trees, trim hedges, plant seasonal flowers, weed-and-feed, and replenish or replace mulch. If the timing doesn’t fit into your schedule, you can end up with more work down the road.

Snow removal services ensure safety on your property, and they can prevent landscape damage from heavy snow loads on sensitive plants.

Prevention Is the Best Cure

Year-round landscape maintenance is essential for the longevity of your landscape. Problems such as diseased trees, struggling lawns, broken pavers, or cracked driveways are much easier to remedy before they gain momentum and before major restoration becomes necessary. Often, problems multiply if left unchecked. For example, poor drainage can not only cause grass and plants to drown, but standing water can also seep into foundations and cause significant damage.

No matter how well designed and low-maintenance, a landscape still needs ongoing attention to maintain its beauty over time. But this attention needs to be informed and timely. Manzers landscape maintenance experts provide your property with the ongoing care it needs. They can give you peace of mind knowing your investment is being protected for immediate and long-term health and beauty.