How Masons Spruce Up Existing Westchester County, NY, Hardscapes

How Masons Spruce Up Existing Westchester County, NY, Hardscapes

With summer not far off, now is the perfect time to update a tired old patio so that it’s ready for entertaining. If you’re wondering how you can achieve a fresh new look, here is how masons spruce up existing Westchester County, NY, hardscapes.


1. Add a place to sit

If you’ve ever experienced the hassle of not having enough places for people to sit during a party (or on the other extreme, too many chairs and not enough space to walk around them), the perfect solution is a masonry seat wall. Seat walls do double duty in defining spaces, providing a natural barrier between the patio and the landscape (which can increase your landscaping options), and they’re the perfect place to install landscape lighting without - you guessed it - more clutter. A seat wall can span the perimeter of your patio to give your patio a cozier feel, or you can place a few smaller seat walls strategically, such as near a fire pit, near an outdoor kitchen, or beside a water feature.

2. Add shelter

People go outside to enjoy the sunshine, but after a while, it’s just too much. Or, they’re having a nice alfresco meal, and suddenly it starts to rain. Then there’s a mad dash for the house. A pergola or a pavilion effectively turn your patio into an outdoor room that lets you enjoy outside time more often. A pergola adds a sophisticated touch to your patio and lets you enjoy fresh air from a comfortable shady spot. And a pavilion offers shelter from the rain as well. 

3. Create balance

Symmetry and balance are the secrets to pleasing landscape design. If your patio seems unbalanced - for example, everyone congregates around the grill station and dining area while the rest of the patio feels neglected - a mason can add a fire pit, outdoor fireplace, or a beautiful water feature to draw people in that direction.

4. Just add water

It’s amazing how much tranquility a water feature adds to your outdoor space. A simple fountain, an elaborate waterfall, a serene reflecting pool, or a chic water wall create the feeling of sanctuary. In our hurry-up, stressed out world, serenity is a welcome addition to anyone’s life.

5. Create a “wall” with raised planting beds

Raised seat-height masonry planters can serve many purposes. To create an instant privacy wall, add trellises with climbing vines. Or, place raised beds near your outdoor kitchen for a handy herb garden as well as overflow seating. If your patio feels too large and exposed, green it up with masonry planting beds that break up a large expanse of pavers, define outdoor “rooms,” and add interest and texture. To create a beautiful green wall with a lot of movement and interest, fill masonry planters with tall ornamental grasses. Whatever you use your raised beds for, be sure that the ledge is wide enough to sit on comfortably while you’re gardening or entertaining friends.

These five tips can dramatically change how you use and enjoy your backyard. Give us a call today, and let us transform your backyard into the perfect retreat!