How Lawn Care and Property Maintenance Affect the Use You Get From Your Westchester County NY Landscape

How Lawn Care and Property Maintenance Affect the Use You Get From Your Westchester County NY Landscape

Keeping your beautiful landscape in tip-top shape as your personal oasis means ongoing maintenance. You’ll get the best results by contracting with a landscaping professional who can offer year-round maintenance. From there, all your worries can melt away since a seasoned professional will be in charge and you won’t have to do any backbreaking work. Here’s how lawn care and property maintenance affect the use you get from your Westchester County, NY landscape. 


An Agreement With The Right Professionals

A contract for regularly scheduled maintenance is your best bet for sustaining an incredible landscape. Depending on your needs, the schedule can cover all four seasons and includes important tasks that ensure the health of your landscape throughout the year. A site visit is the first step, to assess the current state of your landscape and identify your needs and goals in order to best blend the landscape maintenance with your lifestyle. Then, it’s time to plan for the seasons.


Plants go dormant in the winter and transfer their energy and resources to their root systems. One of the most important tasks in landscape care comes at the first spring thaw, with soil testing and subsequent application of an eco-friendly fertilizer to the lawn and various plants. Many homeowners make errors with fertilizer application, which can damage or even kill plants; but a seasoned professional will correctly apply fertilizer as well as pre-emergent herbicides to prevent weed infestation. Then it’s time to let everything grow!

How spring care affects your use of your landscape: if preventive measures aren’t done now, you’re in for a summer of constant weeding and damage control.


As the lawn grows, your landscaping professional will check for healthy growth throughout your landscape, mow regularly to the proper height, and give special treatment to any plants or areas of the lawn that may be struggling from heat or drought. Summer is about maintaining and encouraging growth and helping plants withstand summer extremes. 

How summer care affects your use of your landscape: summer is meant to be enjoyed - so let the pros take care of your landscape and keep it barefoot-friendly and gorgeous!


Once the growing season comes to a close, a landscape professional will reassess which areas of the landscape had the best growth and which had the worst. Seasonal cleanup will ensure that grass doesn’t suffocate under a layer of rotting leaves, and that fallen fruit doesn’t attract pests. Application of slow-release fertilizer will keep root systems happy through the cold seasons and prime them for the spring. 

How fall care affects your use of your landscape: preparing your landscape to overwinter well, will set the stage for a healthier landscape come spring.


Regular snowfall will seep into the ground as it melts and will bolster the growth of the landscape in the next spring. However, shoveled or plowed snow becomes extremely heavy and dense, and can suffocate plants. Opt for snow removal rather than simple plowing. In late winter, trees and shrubs should be pruned and trouble spots in the lawn should be addressed to get ready for the next growing season. This should all be part of your contracted schedule with a landscaping professional. 

How winter care affects your use of your landscape: safety comes first, as thoughtful snow and ice removal will keep you safe while protecting your landscape.