5 Ways to Include Smart Landscape Lighting in Your Westchester County, NY Outdoor Kitchen

5 Ways to Include Smart Landscape Lighting For Your Outdoor Kitchen in Westchester County, NY

Keeping your home and landscape safe and welcoming could include technology updates. Today, the biggest trend is toward smart lighting technology. When updating your outdoor kitchen, your lights will be zoned to maximize coverage, controlled remotely using Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, and made up of light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Here are five ways to include smart landscape lighting in your Westchester County, NY outdoor kitchen.


1. Use LEDs When Possible

Landscape light fixtures that use light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs are far more energy efficient and versatile than traditional incandescent or halogen light bulbs, and give off a much more pleasing light than fluorescents. LEDs use the electricity in a way that doesn’t produce as much heat while sustaining a high level of illumination. LEDs are considerably smaller and the bulbs will last years (up to a decade in some cases) before needing replacement. LEDs will fit in tight spaces and they can be installed virtually anywhere for dramatic effect.

2. Adopt Multiple Lighting Strategies

Every smart lighting design process begins and ends with using multiple lighting strategies that form a rich visual texture. You don’t want a single bright light source dominating your outdoor kitchen because the bulb would have to be blindingly bright to give enough illumination, and there would be too many contrasting shadows. The result is an unwelcoming and irritating experience for you and your guests. Instead, consider the layout of your outdoor kitchen. There are work zones that need to be well-lit, either with overhead fixtures (if your outdoor kitchen is situated under a pavilion) or fixtures built into the backsplash. Then, you also want ambient light that will make the space pleasing.

3. Remote Control

One of the best advancements of modern lighting is the use of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and apps to control lights remotely. Instead of placing a switch on the wall, the lights can be controlled through your phone or from inside the home. Beyond just a simple on/off switch, you’ll be able to determine brightness, color, and set automatic timers. You’ll also be able to control individual lights to set the perfect mood for the atmosphere around your outdoor kitchen.

You can establish some presets, such as one where the focus goes to the person cooking for a brilliant culinary exposition, then the lights travel to the table where everyone can see the food clearly as they dig in. When the outdoor kitchen isn’t in use, be sure to set the lights to a mode where they’ll help the area blend into the background without becoming dark and scary.

4. Motion-Activated Lights

Not much makes you feel like your home is at the forefront of technology than using motion-activated lights throughout your landscape and into your outdoor kitchen. Motion-activated lights could include subtle ambient lights that are on at all times of the night for security reasons, as well as more prominent lights that come on when someone approaches the kitchen. Similarly, after someone leaves the area, the lights go back to an ambient setting.

5. Focus on Safety

A smart lighting strategy isn’t complete without a focus on safety. The elements of a kitchen can be dangerous without proper lighting. Place LEDs in areas where the more dangerous acts of cooking can happen, including the prep area and wherever heat is involved. Some focused lights that are angled away from potential eye contact, such as within the prep counter will help alleviate this issue.