4 Masonry Ideas for Improving the Look of a Commercial Landscape in the Scarsdale and Peekskill, NY Area

Best 4 Masonry Ideas in Scarsdale, NY For Improving The Look Of Commercial Landscape | Peekskill, NY

When you create a commercial landscape for your clients that gives a winning (and profitable) first impression, your clients will be thrilled. The quality of landscaping is like a business card: it looks good, and it gives people the feeling that the business cares. Here are 4 masonry ideas for improving the look of a commercial landscape in the Scarsdale and Peekskills, NY area.

Crumbling retaining walls, cracked pavement, potholes, ice dams and mudslides are instant turn-offs to prospective customers or tenants. The clear message is that the business doesn’t care. This goes whether the landscape involves a retail outfit, a service provider, an office building, or a residential complex. As a contractor, you can completely transform an eyesore to a profitable first impression.


The four essentials of a good landscape are safety, visibility, practicality, and aesthetic appeal. Here’s how good masonry can help.

1. Safety

Surfaces must be safe no matter the season. Instead of asphalt and poured concrete - which crack, sag, heave, and generally look unappealing - consider suggesting concrete pavers for at least the pedestrian surfaces if not parking lots. While the upfront cost is higher, they are much longer-lasting which means the ROI for the property owner can be huge.

Quality concrete pavers are non-slip for safety. Some styles can be installed as permeable surfaces which also keeps the surface drier. Concrete pavers won’t need replacing for many decades and should individual pavers break (which is unlikely but it can happen), they can be replaced individually with no ugly patches. Well-installed paver surfaces won’t sag or heave, and they are significantly more attractive than poured concrete or asphalt.

Adding a driveway heating system beneath pavers can cut down significantly on winter plowing needs, and helps prevent ice build-up on walkways and entryways.

Concrete paver surfaces are an opportunity for artistic expression, too, which sends a clear message that the property owner is quality-driven.

2. Visibility

Signage is of paramount importance for any commercial property. Elevating signage to a new level by installing signs on masonry planters gives a warm and cheerful welcome, and makes use of otherwise unused space beneath signage. Incorporating landscape lighting into the planter is an attractive way to illuminate the sign and offer clear direction to visitors.

3. Practicality

Although commercial landscapes are typically thought of as transitional spaces where people rarely spend time, this is a lost opportunity. A few masonry planters can offer a place to sit and make a phone call; and a small paver patio with a couple of benches could be the ideal spot to have lunch or a meeting.

A retaining wall will prevent unattractive mudslides that would otherwise spill over onto pedestrian and automotive surfaces.

A masonry wall topped with a security fence creates a more elegant and upscale look than security fencing alone.

These touches contribute to the property’s visual appeal while adding usability to the outdoor spaces.

4. Aesthetics

We all know that stonework is beautiful. Attractive paver surfaces, retaining walls, raised plant beds, and entry pillars give the right impression to customers, employees, tenants, and the community.

An investment in landscaping is an investment in brand image. When a commercial property looks good, then customers will have similar expectations of the company and how your clients do business. Landscape design directly affects the perceived value of your clients’ businesses. For every dollar spent enhancing curb appeal, they can expect a three-dollar return. A safe, practical, functional, and aesthetically pleasing landscape will translate into more customers as well as a good community presence.