How a Spring Fall Cleanup Lawn Care Service Can Enhance Your Croton, NY, Property

When the weather warms up, that’s when the grass starts growing again, the peonies peek out from the ground, and the trees have leaves once more. Even though spring is in full bloom, your Croton, NY, property may still be recovering from the winter frost. In that case, a spring cleanup is in order. Here’s how lawn care service can make your landscape look beautiful again.

Cleaning the Property

How a Spring Cleanup Lawn Care Service Can Enhance Your Croton, NY, Property

Winter can leave a considerable amount of debris around your property, including branches, fallen leaves, pine cones, and other miscellaneous pieces of debris that have blown onto your property during the windy months of March, April, and May. This debris can blow onto your growing beds, inhibiting the growth of early spring bloomers. Fallen leaves, when in a pile on your beds, can prevent air from reaching the ground, especially once they start decomposing. Removing this debris allows air, water, and sunlight to reach the ground and get to any perennials hiding deep down. Things like pinecones and “helicopters” from maple trees can start seeding in your lawn and against fences, growing into saplings before you realize they’re there. Without regular lawn care service, they can be a pain to remove even at only a foot tall because of their deep-rooting nature. Removing debris from your property in a timely manner makes your property look clean, neat, organized, and keeps your perennial plantings healthy.


Care for Flora

Some plants may need a bit of help once the warmer months come. After cleaning up debris from your grow beds and mulched areas, plants may need a gentle application of fertilizer to give them nutrition and process light and water. Young trees, roses, bulbs, and other types of perennials may benefit from nutrition early on in the growing season. Certain types of plants like evergreens need to be pruned in the early spring for a productive season. Other types of plantings like deciduous trees should be pruned late winter to early spring, so as soon as the last frost is over, your landscaper would be taking care of this. Finally, grass usually also benefits from a light application of fertilizer after the first mow of the season. This will make it greener quicker, and keep your home in sync with the season.


Prep for Warmer Weather

Plants spend the early spring using their stored energy to push out their new foliage. They’re also using the light and water to keep growing and feeding new growth. But hot summer months can also take a toll on plants when the sun evaporates all the water in the ground. A good mulching can keep plants hydrated and healthy, preventing dry wilted plants that die. Now is also a great time to make any additions to your landscape, like a sprinkler system that will keep your lawn green and prevent yellow patches. Add in any new annuals, trees, or plantings, like a red maple tree for vibrant color and a bit of shade. Removing weeds early in the spring can prevent them from getting established, so your landscaper can address any invasive weeds early on.

Your landscaper can get your property ready for spring by cleaning up, feeding the landscape, and preparing your plants for the warmer weather.